January 27 - Hosted Press Conference "
Charlie Hebdo: Responses from Cairo".
January 19 - An Evening with Mohamed Esmat El-Sadat speaking of the upcoming parliamentary elections.
December 29 - Presentation at El-Sadat Academy in Global Mental Literacy by Marc Van Oudheusen

November 27 - Discussion with Prof. Mahmoud Khayyal on Religion and Society
November 24 - CAWU/GFMD meeting with EU Delegation to Egypt.
October 31-November 4 - Joint CAWU/GFMD session on 'Productivity Training: News Feed Integration Systems and Critical Thinking' by Marc van Oudheusen.
October 23 - Lecture at the Spiritual Center for Training and Studies in Attaba, Cairo.

October 15 - Forum Meeting: Mette Toft Nielsen speaks on her project 'New Voices of Egyptian Women' which is conducted with the University of Aalborg.
September 28 – Participation in the 10th anniversary of the International Monument for the Unknown Child in which also Egypt participates
September 13 – Trip to Maghagha, Upper Egypt, for investigation into development projects.

September 10 – Forum Meeting: Abdullah Schleifer speaking on the Libyan Crisis.
August – Trip to Holy Family celebration in Dayr al-Garnus, Maghagha
August 17 – Farah de Haan, CAWU Outreach Officer and Intern Coordinator, attended the 10th annual Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue (FDCD) entitled ‘Promoting Peace through Inter-religious Dialogue’ in Beirut.
August 19 – Iftar at the NGO ‘Emarate al-Insan’ in the Cairene suburb of Ezbet al-Hagana.
June 26 – Forum Meeting: A comparative analysis of the 2012 and 2014 Egyptian Constitutions by Diana Serôdio.
May 20 – Forum Meeting: Investigative Journalism in Egypt.
May 16 – Celebrating the Moulid (Festival) of St. Dimyana in Barrary-Belqas in the Egyptian Delta.
April 15 – Trip to Fayoum Oasis
April 10 – Meeting with Presidential Interns at AUC.
January 14 – Workshop for Students on Investigative Reporting and Media Critiques.
January 8-12 – Film-makers Norbert Schiller (Austria) and Dana Smillie (U.S.) visited a number of sites of the Holy Family in Upper Egypt.
January 16 – Meeting with Dr. Nadia Mustafa at Merkaz Hadarat (Center of Civilization).
February 28 - Intern Fuad meets with The Coptic business man Samir Mitri
February 16 – Monthly Forum on Youth Dialogue.
March 22 – Interns meet with Dr. Abdallah Schleifer and Dr. Cecere, in preparation for meeting the Sufi Shieikh Azamiya.
March 23 – April 1 - Research Intern, Diana Serôdio, attended the Anna Lindh Foundation Turkey, Common Action Project; Culture Workshop in Eskisehir, Turkey.
May 24 – Monthly Forum: Drs. Cornelis Hulsman speaking about the ‘Holy Family Tradition in Context’
May 31 – Monthly Forum: Various speakers talking on the ‘Islamization of Politics’
June 19 – Intern Aydan interviews Dr. Mahmoud Azzab from Bayt el-Eila
June 20 – Interns Quinta Smit and Eline interview Dr. Nabil Abdul Fattah
June 21 – Interns Quinta Smit and Eline interview Dr. Abdel Rahim Ali
November 5 & 12 – Monthly Forums: Jayson Casper and Cornelis Hulsman speaking on ‘Christians in Egypt’
November 24 – Monthly Forum: Various speakers talking on the recent developments in Egypt
November 25-28 – December 2 CAWU General-Secretary took journalists from the German publication, Süddeutsche Zeitung, to stay with Christian family in Shubra. The article 'Stille Nacht, gefährliche Nacht' followed.
April – New Board of CAWU elected.
July – Agreement to publish the work of interns made with Dr. Wolfram Reiss of Vienna University, subsequently leading to the publishing of ‘Shari’a as a Main source of legislation’.
March 2011 – Catholic Patriarch Antonios Naguib and Cornelis Hulsman meet with German members of Parliament in a Missioorganized Parlementarische Abend (Parliamentary Evening) to speak about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt after the revolution.